Background of the Study
Human Resource Development (HRM) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the individual to achieve performance improvement. Many employees have failed in organizations because their need for training and development was not identified and provided as an indispensable part of management function. Human Resource Development deal with the activities undertaken to expose an employee to perform additional duties and assume positions of importance in the organizational hierarchy.
Nwachuku C.C (2007) Human Resource Development refers to any actions which is deliberately aimed at improving once skills, knowledge, habit or attitude in the performance of a given task, either in the present or in the future. It is the creation of an environment where people or employees may require or learn specific job related behaviours, knowledge, skills, ability and attitude.
Human resource productivity is a function of ability, will and situational factors. An organization may have employees of ability and determination with appropriate equipment and managerial support yet productivity falls below expected standards. The missing factors in any cases are the lack of adequate skills and knowledge which are acquired through training and development. An untrained worker (employee) is like a dangerous animal-once an employee has received adequate training, he is in a more confident position to contribute effectively towards the realization of organizational goals.
Training and development is capable of making important contribution to the goals an enterprise or Business organization. Training can therefore describe not as an end in itself but as a continuous activity and an integral part of a business system.
The management activity of preparing employees for future job (task) responsibilities is known as management development wealth and Davis (1982) mentioned that “the distinction between training and development is of intend. Training prepares employees to do their present job while development prepares for the future job. Both training and development teach employees needed skills, knowledge or attitude”.
Regardless of its purpose, management development must be dynamic in nature but must adopt the approach that promises best produce the desired change. Each manager in an organization is responsible for fostering the development of his subordinates. This responsibility includes establishing training programmes and measurement of training result. Development of the executive is the development of the organization grow and development for high-profit.
1.2 Statement of the Problems
The challenge in management industry or business organization has posed a treat on the realization and achievement of its set development and achievement of its set objectives this as resulted to fundamental issues of inadequate and improper acquisition, utilization and maintenance of its human resources.
The under utilization of human resources in organizations has seriously led the organization in this because human factor is not properly managed. Mismanagement is another serious problem in our organization today and has reduced it to nothing as people are no longer kin with the work nor ready to own up to vital resources in the organization.
Therefore the poor quality and low product have revealed the quantity of human resource put in place in Seven up Bottling company are not up to expectations and has thereby reduced the company company’s productivity.
1. What type of development programs is available to employees in Seven-Up Bottling company in Kaduna?
2. How often is development programs mounted for employees in Seven-Up Bottling company in Kaduna?
3. What are the impacts of training and development programs on the productivity of the employees in Seven-Up Bottling company Kaduna?
The main objective of this is to find out effect of human resource training on organizational productivity. Specifically, the study intends to:
1.5 Statement of Hypotheses
H01: There is no significance difference between the mean ratings of senior and junior employers regarding the type of development schemes available to employees in Seven-Up Bottling company in Kaduna.
H02: There is no significance difference between the mean ratings of experience and inexperience employers in respect of how often the development programmes are mounted for employees in Seven-Up Bottling company Kaduna.